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This section contains no articles.
This section contains no articles.
This section contains no articles.
This section contains no articles.
How can I download IIENSTITU mobile application?
I want to change my password
Where do I take the certification exam?
Where can I see my ongoing and registered courses?
Add certificates to your LinkedIn profile
Where can I see my subscription period and the last day of my enrollment?
How can I access my course page?
How many times are we allowed to take the exam?
Where can I see past live session videos?
Is it free to become a member of IIENSTITU?
Where can I change the language, country, and time zone?
I forgot my password
How many marks do I need to get from the exam to get certified?
How can I see the due date of my assignment?
You can listen to the lesson replays as Podcasts!
How to start and navigate your course
How to register for a course and access your training?
How to achieve 100% course completion rate?